Isnin, 2 Jun 2014

kadar royalti sarawak janji atau pasti

The State Legislative Assembly or the Dewan Undangan Negeri (DUN) is the highest law making body in the state (Jawan, 2003). All DUNs are unicameral and each comprises the one chamber and His Excellency, the Head of the respective state. Although part of the legislature, the Head of the State do not participate in the proceeding of the state assembly. His function here is to officially declare the opening of the proceeding by addressing the house.
Speaker may be a member of the House or a non-member who is qualified for election into the House. Functions of the Speaker include to be responsible for maintaining order in the House. Speaker also must ensure that relevancy is observed during debates and to interpret the Standing Orders in case of disputes.
The main three functions of State Assembly is to protect the sovereignty of the state constitution and the constitutional right as had been described in the constitution. State Assembly is to serve the executive government and the focus to examine and criticize the policies and implementation of government plans. The members of the council are collectively responsible to the State Assembly. This can be seen in the proceedings of the chamber during the debate on the motion of the royal, and the debate of no-confidence motion against the government’s general policies.
Another function of State Assembly is to approve supplies. No taxes or expenses that can be charged against the Consolidated Fund unless authorized by law passed by the State Assembly. State Assembly is also to representing the people. State Assembly provides a forum for representatives of the people to express their opinions and discuss openly through parliamentary privilege under the provisions of the ordinance of the town council. The matters raised by covering issues of concerns, complaints or peoples problem. This can be done through regular debates, appeals and raise matter of public matter and others. During this assembly, the Head of State is Tuan Yang Terutama Pehin Sri Haji Abdul Taib Mahmud, He was the Chief Minister of Sarawak, before he is appointed as the Head of State.
This assembly was held from 5th of May until 15th of May, 2014. A member of a state legislative assembly consists of elected representatives from single-member constituencies during state elections. To attend such events, there is a lot of protocol that applies, especially to those who are uninvited to the hall. For audiences such as students and public, is it crucial to provide application letter to join the conference and assembly. All visitors must abide with the dress code while in State Legislative Assembly Building. For men and ladies, they must wear a formal dress. For school students, they must wear school uniform. Visitors are not allowed to bring children (six year old and below). They also do not allowed to take pictures when in State Legislative Assembly Building and carry dangerous items deemed as threat to security. They cannot bring hand phone, camera and other types of communication device into the Gallery State Legislative Assembly.
They consist of members elected in state election. The amount of members in State Assembly are different between the state and the other state. Members in state assembly must be a Malaysian and live in the state. There are some characteristic that must have in members of State Legislative Assembly. First is 21 years old and above. Second is healthy. Third is not bankrupt. Forth is not holding a salary. Fifth is never been in prisoned more than a year. The last is never been fined more than RM2000 without forgiveness. Members of state assembly hold the office for five years if state assembly not dissolved before this. Someone can be members in State Legislative Assembly for a state only and they have speciality same with members in parliament.
Subject to the provisions of the State Constitution, the Legislative Assembly must carry out their own procedures and drafting Regulations Council. Council Regulation approved by resolution of the Legislative Assembly provides the rules of conduct, privileges and parliamentary procedure governing the proceedings at conferences and meetings of the Select Committee of the Legislative Assembly.
Total quorum for the state assembly is at least one-third of the total Ahli. ADUN is a member of the Legislative Assembly elected through elections. Any member can inform about the lack of a quorum at any time conferences. If the quorum is still not enough, the conference may be postponed to the next day.
Members of the House may speak on any matter of public interest under the principles of freedom of speech as provided by Ordinance of the Legislative Assembly (Privileges, Immunities and Powers) Act, Sedition Act and Regulations Permanent Assembly.
There are some principles that all ADUN must follow during the States Assembly. It is a general rule that no member should be present in the assembly when any matter relating to him or herself is under consideration.
This event is considered as political because politics involves the making of a common decision for a group of people, that is, a uniform decision applying in the same way to all members of the group (Shivley, 2006). All actions that contribute to the making of a common policy for a group of people constitute politics, and questions about those policies and the making of those policies are political questions.
According to Robert’s Rules, motion is to introduce a new piece of business or propose a decision or action; a motion must be made by a group member. First motion will be sound (“I move that...”) A second motion must then also be made by raise your hand and say “I second it.”) After having limited discussion, the group then votes on the motion. A majority vote is required for the motion to pass or by gathering of the minimal number of members as specified in your by laws. In debating or discussing the motion, the member who made the motion is entitled to speak first. Every member has the right to speak in debate. When voting on a motion, the Chair will ask the floor. Some motion requires a two over three votes. A two over three votes is obtained by standing. If a member is in doubt about the vote, the person may call out “division”. A division is a demand for a standing vote. A tie vote is a lost vote, since it is not a majority.
According to California State University, there are several types of motions. Privileged motions is a motion which do not relate to the pending question but have to do with matters of such urgency or importance that, without debate, they are allowed to interrupt the consideration of anything else. The second type of motion is subsidiary motion where motion which assist the assembly in treating or disposing of a main motion. They have the effect of hastening action upon, delaying action upon or modifying the main motion. The third type of motion is main motion where a motion which bring business before the assembly and which can be only made while no other motion is pending. The fourth motion is the motion that brings a question again before the assembly. Motions which bring up previously considered as question. The fifth type of motion is incidential motions, motion which deal with questions of procedure and arise out of another pending motion or item of business. With the exception of the motion appeal from the ruling of the chair, there are not debatable.
Several motion that has been discussed in State Assembly in Sarawak are to demolished and minimized poverty in Sarawak by the Minister of welfare, women and family development-  Y.B Datuk Hajah Fatimah Abdullah. Minister of Industrial Development talk about performance of the state manufacturing factor
The Sarawak Legislative Assembly has unanimously voted in favors of a resolution to request the Federal Government for an increase in the oil royalty from 5% to 20%. . Royalty according to:
Wikipedia “royalty is a usage-based payment made by one party (the "licensee") to another (the "licensor") for the right to ongoing use of an asset, sometimes an intellectual property . Royalties are typically agreed upon as a percentage of gross or net revenues derived from the use of an asset or a fixed price per unit sold of an item of such, but there are also other modes and metrics of compensation”.
But from the resources from the daya dictionary pages 1393 royalty are mean:
 “Bayaran oleh syarikat lombong kepada tuan punya tanah. Bayaran tertentu yang di buat oleh penerbit kepada pengarang, pencipta, dan lain-lain”.
   For the Sarawak Legislative assembly this is very significant event and term  because there are. According to the star online new policies are decided by Sarawak state legislative assembly 6 May 2014 ideas of Increase the royalty are from “Originally tabled by Chong Chieng Jen (DAP-Kota Sentosa) but an amended motion, which included seeking more development grants from the Federal Government aside from the royalty, was subsequently tabled by Abdullah Saidol (Barisan Nasional-Semop) and approved by Yang Di Pertua”. In this situation are very accurately to the concept of political science we learn in the class this concept are tell about authority and power. Definition of authority is the formal or legal as distinguish from personal power. The concept of authority in this assembly was “yang Di Pertua” or president.
Rationally Yang Di Pertua reasonably president is a person who has authority because of the existence of the source of authority, introduced by Karl Marx describes Legal Concepts ratio. This because according to constitution item 71 A president or “Yang Dipertua Negeri” has a function such as responsible for watching the conference to run smoothly, organize debates order to sketch does not detract from the issues debated, decide on the Order of Business in the event of a dispute check whether the petition, draft laws and amendments can be accepted. He also determine when a session begins and ends, and can be adjourned while if necessary. The Speaker is also responsible for ensuring that the Constitution be respected, to discipline members of the board, determine who may speak, vote and check quorum call each session. He only vote if there is a vote that ended in a draw. When, the President is unable to attend Parliament, duties and functions undertaken by one of his deputies. Thus, in this part will discuss about the impact, factor, and critics with the Sarawak Legislative Assembly request to federal Government for an increase the oil royalty from 5% to 20%.
Factor to Sarawak legislative assembly request to federal government for an increases the oil royalty from 5% to 20% are because economic factor. The revenue 5% oil royalty given by federal government are not enough to build facilities and increase development in Sarawak. According to Tan Sri Adenan Satem in the news Berita Harian Metro 8 May 2014:
 “Sarawak Merupakan sebuah negeri yang besar yang memerlukan dana atau modal yang besar dalam pembangunannya di sebabkan negerinya yang luas. Di samping itu, kadar bahan mentah yang tinggi menyebabkan kesukaran kerajaan negeri dalam membuat pembangunan dalam negeri Sarawak ini. Pembangunan yang di maksudkan adalah seperti Jalan raya, kemudahan awam dan sebagainya. Jadi, wajarlah untuk kerajaan negeri Sarawak dalam memohon agar kerajaan pusat dapat menaikkan royalti minyak daripada 5peratus kepada 20 peratus kepada negeri Sarawak ini.
    When the oil royalty increases there will increasing of profit in Sarawak. When the profit increases according to the circular flow diagram or business cycle in the principle of economic, the government gain much profit there will decreases unemployment and inflation in Sarawak. When the inflation and unemployment decreases there will increases standard living of the Sarawak people and state. When standard living of Sarawak people increases there will decreases issues such as “Brain drain” in Sarawak. This issue occurs because many young people wants living out from Sarawak.  Issue of brain drain means:
 “Migration of people having high skill or intelektual migrate to another placed with one mission such to get economic or to grab the work opportunity” (Rapoport, 2011).
This issue are supported by news such as Borneo post because according to news Borneo post “there are estimated 60% young people from Sarawak are interested to go another state such as Johor, Pulau Pinang, and other state to get job opportunity. Thus, the economy are the factor Sarawak legislative assembly request to the federal government for increases the oil royalty from 5 percent to 20 percent are because economic are having correlated other factor.
Oil and gas sector required a huge amount of capital expenditure. Increasing royalties to 20 percent, not only affect the profit, but Petronas' ability to invest and reinvest, in exploring for oil in deeper waters, to look for new (oil) reserves, while maintaining existing ones will be in very serious jeopardy.  According to President and Chief Executive Officer of Petronas Tan Sri Shamsul Azhar Abbas on bernama he always emphasized
“Please ensure that Petronas has enough resources to reinvest," he told PETRONAS staff at a Town hall Meeting here, today”.  He added Petronas would not be the same successful organization today if not for its strong reserves and ability to invest.   Najib also said if the proposed reduction in the price of petrol, diesel and gas as touted by the opposition were to be implemented, the annual subsidy for fuel may rise to RM30 billion from the current RM22 billion annually.  If this happens, Petronas' resources for productive investment will instead be channeled to private consumption.    "And that is a recipe for economic disaster," he added. The Prime Minister said Petronas had grown from an initial seed capital of RM10 million in 1974, to a cumulative contribution totaling a staggering RM733billion as of Dec 31, 2012.  "This is tantamount to a return on investment of 80,000 times. I don't think there is any other investment that can provide this," he added. – BERNAMA
From the statement we know impact of 20 percent royalty will effect for business of PETRONAS profit. When the PETRONAS profit decrease, it will effect of our economic because according Jabatan Statistik Negara, “Petronas contribute 40-60 percent of income in our country”. In my opinion, rationally, when Petronas profit decreases, it will impact the unemployment and influence the weakness of economy in our country because according to news Berita harian metro
 Jika PETRONAS bagi royalti 20 peratus kepada negeri terbabit, syarikat ini tidak lagi dapat membuat pelaburan bagi pengembangan kapasiti pengeluarannya. Ia sekali gus mengurangkan sumbangan PETRONAS dalam minyak dan gas iaitu industri penting kepada ekonomi negara, sekali gus melembapkan pertumbuhan negara termasuk mengurangkan peluang pekerjaan kepada orang ramai, katanya ketika dihubungi BH, semalam. Kenyataan itu menyokong pendapat Timbalan Menteri Kewangan, Datuk Dr Awang Adek Hussin, bahawa tuntutan pembangkang itu tidak munasabah dan boleh melumpuhkan operasi PETRONAS di luar negara. Awang Adek berkata, PETRONAS perlu mempunyai simpanan modal untuk mencari sumber dan pendapatan baru di negara baru yang memerlukan jumlah modal yang besar, bagi menyumbang dividen tinggi kepada negara yang kini berjumlah RM30 bilion setahun.  PETRONAS ketika ini, tersenarai dalam Fortune 500 dan menduduki kelompok 20 teratas paling untung di dunia. Sejak ditubuhkan pada 1974, PETRONAS secara berterusan menyumbang hasil kepada negara menerusi dividen dan cukai.
Therefore, decreases of profit PETRONAS are the negatif impact for the Malaysian economic when federal government changing policy 5 percent to 20 percent oil royalty for Sarawak state.
   Negative impact for Sarawak legislative assembly requests to federal government for an increase the oil royalty from 5% to 20% according to political impact. It happen because when Sarawak legislative request to federal government for increases oil royalty 5 percent to 20 percent, Influenced all the state such as Kelantan, Terengganu, Sabah and other state producer oil and gas there will wants to follow this policy. Because according to Harakah news 
“Naib Presiden PAS Datuk Husam Musa menggesa negeri pengeluar petroleum mengikut jejak langkah Sarawak yang meluluskan usul menuntut bayaran royalti petroleum dinaikkan kepada kadar 20 peratus.Selain itu, bekas anggota Exco Kelantan itu juga menuntut agar negeri berkenaan menuntut pemilikan saham dalam syarikat petroleum negara, Petronas untuk membolehkan negeri tersebut menikmati agihan lebih adil.(harakah news)
    After that, from the Sabah people or party politic Sabah from news Malaysia kini also want to Malaysia government or federal government increases of royalty in Sabah because from the
“Kerajaan Tempatan Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan. Beliau berkata sebagai pemimpin tempatan dari Sabah, beliau secara prinsipnya bersetuju dengan cadangan menaikkan royalti minyak namun berpendapat pelbagai aspek perlu di bincang dan diperhalusi sewajarnya. Saya bersetuju dengan pandangan pemuda Barisan Nasional (Parti Bersatu Sabah, Parti Bersatu Rakyat Sabah dan Pertubuhan Pasokmomogun Kadazandusun Murut Bersatu (UPKO). Cuma mekanismenya perlu diperhalusi. Yang lebih penting bagi saya ialah jumlah peruntukan yang diberikan Kerajaan Persekutuan kepada negeri Sabah itu. Apakah (peruntukan pembangunan kepada Sabah) lebih banyak daripada negeri-negeri lain? Royalti minyak bukan satu-satunya sumber pendapatan negeri tetapi ia juga dalam bentuk peruntukan daripada Kerajaan Persekutuan," katanya kepada pemberita selepas merasmikan mesyuarat agung tahunan Persatuan Nelayan Kawasan Kota Belud di sini hari ini. Beliau mengulas kenyataan tiga sayap pemuda PBS, PBRS dan UPKO yang mencadangkan supaya kerajaan persekutuan menaikkan royalti minyak negeri Sabah kepada 20 peratus. Menurut Abdul Rahman parti pembangkang sengaja memainkan isu royalti minyak di Sabah untuk menyedapkan hati dan demi kepentingan politik mereka semata-mata namun mereka gagal mengemukakan mekanisme pelaksanaan menaikkan royalti berkenaan walaupun sudah banyak kali diminta”.
From all points of view political parties when the government especially federal government is only accepted points of view of Sarawak only our country will chaos. But when federal government not accepted this situation will impact on Sarawak people because now’s days the Sarawak people want to equality with their country.
  Federal government must do research and development (R&D) in this issues. Research and development are do with Set up a special committee to review the issue. The special committee should monitor the effects of which will occur when the policy of 5 percent to 20 percent royalty. The special committee also needs research in terms of quality and quantity. In term of quality possible aspect of the policy is carried out. In terms of quantity the government needs to look at this policy on the basis of two short term and long term basis. Moreover, drastic measures need to be implemented for example the federal government must to review the case to involve hands off Sabah and Sarawak as the agreement has long been sealed, especially agreement 18 and 20. Thus, research and development are the significant critical thinking to solve problem of 5 percent royalty to 20 percent royalty.
In conclusion, we learned that the process of making decision which involves people and policy is hard and needs a lot of rationalization. We learned that from a simple problem, we could lead a change to a place or a society.
We also learned that it is very important to abide rule when we are in some places, such as Dewan Undangan Negeri. Protocol is one major important thing to abide when you are in Dewan Undangan Negeri.

Jawan, J. A., 2003. Malaysian Politics & Government. 1 ed. Shah Alam: Karisma Publications Sdn Bhd.
Shivley, W. P., 2006. Power and Choice: An Introduction to Political Science. Boston: McGraw Hill.
Rapoport, H., 2011. Globalization, Brain Drain and Development. 16 January, p. 3.
Alaska Fisheries Science Centre. 2014. Retrieved from
California State University. 2014. Retrieved from
Dewan Undangan Negeri. 2014. Retrieved from


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